Marisa Torrigino

A bowl of food on top of a wooden table.

2 Ayurveda tips for Eating and Drinking

Have you ever wondered why some individuals consume less-than-ideal food, yet seem to maintain a cheerful disposition and avoid weight gain? Or marveled at individuals who consume high-fat and salty diets without succumbing to heart disease or high blood pressure? Here are two invaluable tips that could transform your post-meal experience and enhance your nutrient […]

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A cup of tea and teapot on a table.

Nourish Your Body with CCF Tea: An Ayurvedic Digestive and Detox Elixir

Today, I’d like to introduce you to a potent Ayurveda tea recipe – CCF Tea, named after its three key ingredients: Cumin, Coriander, and Fennel. This ancient blend possesses incredible digestive and detoxification properties. If you’ve been struggling with issues like bloating, gas, indigestion, heartburn, post-meal discomfort, or pregnant digestive issues, consider incorporating this tea

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