Benefits & Guide to the Ayurveda practice of warm oil massage!

April 19, 2024

One of the most nourishing practices you can incorporate into your daily routine is self-oil massage, or Abhyanga, as it’s known in Ayurveda. This ancient ritual promotes vitality, enhances circulation, and supports overall well-being. It’s not just about pampering yourself; it’s about building ojas—the subtle energy in the body that governs immunity, vitality, and mental clarity.

In Ayurveda, ojas plays a key role in maintaining balance and stability in the body while calming the mind. By including regular oil massage in your self-care routine, you not only improve circulation but also fortify your immune system, offering protection from everyday environmental stresses.

But before we dive deeper into its benefits, let’s first look at how to perform Abhyanga and the tools you’ll need to get started.

How to Do a Warm Oil Massage (Abhyanga)

  1. Choose the right oil: For warmer body types or during the summer months, use cooling oils like coconut or grapeseed. If you tend to feel cold or it’s wintertime, warming oils like sesame or almond are perfect.
  2. Warm the oil: Pour your chosen oil into a glass or BPA-free container and place it in a bowl of hot water to warm it up.
  3. Begin your massage: Apply the oil from the neck down to your toes for a grounding effect. Use long, smooth strokes on the limbs and circular motions on the joints. If you’re feeling low on energy, try massaging upward from your feet toward the heart to stimulate circulation.
  4. Maximize absorption: Allow the oil to sit on your skin as long as possible, ideally 15-30 minutes. Rinse with hot water afterward, using minimal soap to retain the moisture. Even leaving the oil on for just 5 minutes can provide benefits if you’re short on time.

If you want a more detailed, step-by-step guide, check out my video on how to perform Abhyanga here.

A woman holding up a jar in front of her face.
How to do warm oil massage or Abhyanga. Self-care. Self massage

The Benefits of Self-Oil Massage

The benefits of Abhyanga are vast, and before diving into the list, I want to share an original Ayurveda text from the 1st millennium BCE. It describes the how-to’s and the many benefits of this practice:

“One who practices warm oil massage on his/her head and face alleviates headaches, premature graying, and alopecia while strengthening the cranial bones. Hair roots become stronger, senses become clearer, facial skin becomes smoother, and one experiences sound sleep and happiness.

By using warm oil massage on the whole body, the skin becomes beautiful, drying disorders are relieved, and tolerance to hardship and physical strain is enhanced. A body accustomed to oil massage is not prone to injury from external trauma or strenuous physical exertion. Daily oil massage makes one smooth, plump, strong, and good-looking while slowing the aging process.” —[Charaka Samhita, Cha.Su.5/81-89]

The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda guides us in our self-care, encouraging practices that nurture the body and spirit. Regular Abhyanga is one of those practices, and the benefits are endless. 

The skin, as the body’s largest organ, is filled with sensory receptors and is highly responsive to the nourishing effects of oil massage. The practice of Abhyanga helps improve muscle tone, enhances circulation, and stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding detoxification.

Here’s a list of some of the key benefits you’ll experience with regular self-oil massage:

  • Softens and smooths the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles
  • Improves muscle tone and energizes body tissues
  • Boosts stamina and soothes the nervous system
  • Promotes deep, restful sleep
  • Supports healthy functioning of internal organs
  • Enhances circulation and aids in detoxification
  • Lubricates the joints
  • Relieves physical tension and reduces anxiety
  • Slows the effects of aging by improving skin texture and vitality

Beyond the physical benefits, Abhyanga fosters a deeper sense of self-love and care. Even practicing just twice a week has been shown to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and ease tension, especially in pregnant women.

The Science Behind Abhyanga

Modern studies support what Ayurveda has taught for thousands of years. The simple act of massaging your body with warm oil can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, helping to reduce anxiety and enhance relaxation. Abhyanga also encourages better circulation, bringing fresh oxygen and nutrients to your skin and tissues while helping to eliminate waste.

Make This Practice a Regular Part of Your Routine

The beauty of Abhyanga is that it’s something you can easily do at home with the right tools. All you need is a warm space, oil suited to your body type or season, and 15-30 minutes to focus on yourself.

Consistency is key. Whether you can give yourself a 30-minute massage or just 5 minutes, the effects accumulate over time. Incorporating Abhyanga into your daily or weekly routine will leave you feeling more grounded, vibrant, and resilient.

Ready to Experience the Benefits of Abhyanga?

To get started, all you need is a little time, some warm oil, and the intention to care for your body and mind. If you’re unsure which oil to use, I recommend starting with an organic sesame oil for most people or a lighter oil like coconut or almond oil for warmer climates or Pitta constitutions. I also offer my own artisanal oil crafted in Marin County, designed specifically for self-massage, which is available at all Folk SF locations. You can also order it directly from me at for $20.

Check out my video tutorial for a step-by-step guide on how to practice warm oil self-massage or Abhyanga at home.

By embracing this simple but powerful ritual, you’re nurturing your body’s natural rhythms and aligning with ancient Ayurvedic wisdom. Self-oil massage is more than just a physical practice—it’s a form of self-love, a way to strengthen your connection with yourself, and a key to long-term wellness.

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