Instagram Live for Motherhood with Nina Ketscher

May 19, 2022

This Instagram Live is a must watch for all mothers and those who want to embark on the journey of motherhood. We shared our own personal experiences with motherhood, as well as our birth stories. Hearing what Nina had to say was so powerful, I hope you’ll take the time to watch yourself as well as share with your loved ones.

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Nina Ketscher, MA, PPNE supports, guides, and empowers the whole family with ways to optimise a healthy and protected womb environment, before, during, and after pregnancy. She gives parents ways to bond and strengthen their intimate relationship, as well as, ways to deepen the soul-to-soul relationship and bond they have with their children. In a loving, co-creative, and collaborative healing approach with families, Nina blends Western psychology (Somatic, Pre & Perinatal, and Energy) with Eastern wisdoms; expanding upon commonly known practices for conscious parenting.