November 15, 2023

Ayurveda practices will help you to stop taking pills to sleep or poop and it will improve your sex life at the same time. It’s really a total win!

However, it’s not as simple as popping a pill; it requires some effort. But only a little and it will get easier with time.

In this blog, I’m honing in on improving sleep by guiding you to balance your energy. If you’ve been experiencing fluctuations–feeling energetic one moment, then exhausted the next, or being motivated and ready for fun only to feel too tired to start–then I have the perfect Ayurveda practice for you to learn and begin practicing right away.

It’s a specific breathing practice or pranayama.

This is the most commonly practiced pranayama technique. And I think its popularity is due to the purifying effects it has on the body while also balancing the flow of energy, preventing you from feeling uncertain, unfocused, or quickly depleted. And, inside bonus, you will sleep better!

I am referring to: Alternate Nostril Breathing, also called Anuloma-Viloma.

It’s easy to learn and safe for most folks, offering benefits regardless of what’s happening in your inner life. You also don’t have to believe it will do anything for you, it will still work.

A blue circle with a black background
Pranyama-alternate nostril breathing

Pranayama: Alternate Nostril Breathing

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you practice:


  1. Sit comfortably on the floor or a chair, keeping your chest open and lifted.
  2. Close your eyes and take a few relaxed breaths.
  3. Exhale completely and lower your head slightly, resembling a bowing position.

Hand Position:

  1. With your right hand, curl your index and middle fingers inward, wrap the pinky finger around the ring finger. The thumb remains relaxed.
  2. Lightly place your thumb on the corner of your right nostril and your ring finger on the corner of your left nostril.

The Practice:

Alternate the flow of air through one nostril at a time as follows:

  1. Inhale for a count of 3 through your left nostril while gently closing off the right nostril with your thumb.
  2. Briefly close both nostrils by pressing the thumb and ring finger.
  3. Exhale for a count of 3 through your right nostril, keeping the left nostril closed with your ring finger.
  4. Inhale for a count of 3 through your right nostril while closing off the left nostril.
  5. Briefly close both nostrils again.
  6. Exhale for a count of 3 through your left nostril, keeping the right nostril closed.

Repeat steps 1-6. Begin with 2-3 minutes of practice and gradually increase to 5-10 minutes as you feel comfortable.

To End:

  1. Lower your hands to rest on your lap or thighs.
  2. Take a few natural breaths through both nostrils.
  3. Lift your head gently back to its upright position, staying relaxed and centered.

Enjoy the calming and balancing effects of Alternate Nostril Breathing!


Check out this YouTube Video from India on how to do Alternate Nostril Breathing. Its inspiring!

Be well!


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Interested in Ayurveda Consultation with me? I’d love to work with you. Here is information and how to sign up to begin.

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A blue circle with a black background
Alternate Nostril Breathing, also called anuloma-viloma
A blue circle with a black background
Alternate Nostril Breathing, also called anuloma-viloma

A blue circle with a black backgroundA blue circle with a black backgroundA blue circle with a black background