5 Commandments for Practicing Yoga at Home

There are 5 commandments that you need to keep in mind for practicing yoga at home. The commandments are easy. The hard part is understanding why you would want to get started.  Recently I was explaining to a friend that when I was in my…

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Trying to Figure Out How to Start a Yoga Practice? Here are 6 Tips!

Here are 6 tips to help you figure out how to start a yoga practice. It’s not easy for anyone to begin something new or to begin again. But, it’s what gives quality to life. Perseverance and the belief in ourselves! Please read on and…

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Yoga sequence for insomnia, headaches and blood pressure problems

How well did you sleep last night? Yoga can help with sleep problems and the same poses that help with sleep also reduce headaches and blood pressure problems, such as obesity. I have been exploring the idea of sleep over the past months and have…

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How to Make Your Own Rejuvenating Herbal Tea

Making your own fresh and rejuvenating herbal tea offers numerous health benefits derived from the herbs you use. However, there is an additional advantage that should not be overlooked: the change in pace and pattern that you embody when you take the time to prepare…

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A Better State of Mind using Meditation, Chanting and Yoga

Putting yourself in a better state of mind is a good idea. It can change you physically and energetically, and people around you will begin to react to you more positively. But how can you achieve a better state of mind? The real reason that…

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Chop Wood, Carry Water, Make Chai

Do you feel like you know how to live life well? In Zen Buddhism there is a story regarding the meaning of life which has been summarized in this famous short phrase: “Before enlightenment; Chop Wood, Carry Water. After Enlightenment;  Chop Wood, Carry Water. ”…

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3 Yoga and Ayurveda practices for Natural Eye Care

How do your eyes feel at the end of your work day or when you first wake up? Natural Eye Care using 3 practices from Yoga and Ayurveda will reduce eye strain and dark circles, and revive tired, overworked eyes while also supporting or even…

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Yoga to do when you can’t sleep

How well do you sleep? Difficulty sleeping is a common problem. Most people struggle to get to sleep or stay asleep. Others pass out with no memory of closing their eyes or transitioning from being awake to falling asleep. There are two (2) easy yoga…

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Jewish Chicken Soup is from India~ its vegetarian and it’s called Kitchari

The world is your oyster. The meaning of that phrase comes from the idea that everything is possible and open to you. And, if you are lucky, you will encounter something special. Oysters can be hard to open, but once opened, what’s inside is very…

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How to do a Yoga Shoulderstand Pose or the Queen’s pose

Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana in Sanskrit) is considered to be the Queen of all the hatha yoga poses. Learning how to do this yoga position can be daunting. It is complicated, takes a certain level of body awareness, and requires self-confidence to practice it well.  You also…

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